
Chiropractic is a healthcare profession that has been around for more than 100 years, and focuses on improving overall health, rather than treating symptoms.


Acupuncture is a holistic healthcare system which helps to restore harmony and balance in the body, mind and spirit.

Working Time

Monday – Friday 8.00am – 7.00pm
Saturday 8.00am – 1.30pm
Car parking available on site

Make an appointment

01777 710720

Welcome to Retford Chiropractic Wellness Centre

Here at The Retford Chiropractic Wellness Centre we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to reach their full health potential, and we are committed to helping you and your family achieve yours.

We offer a wide range of therapies, such as acupuncture, massage and beauty, Yoga, meditation and Tai Chi classes, and we are more than happy to offer our sound, expert advice on health related issues to complement our outstanding Chiropractic care.

At the Retford Chiropractic Centre your wellness is our priority and we strive to help you be the best version of yourself.

Choosing the correct course of treatment can be difficult. To enable you to make an informed choice about the right therapy for you we offer the opportunity of a courtesy consultation with one of our highly trained and experienced chiropractors to learn more about our treatments and how they can benefit you.

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Chiropractic is a hands on treatment suitable for the whole family.



Acupuncture improves your general wellbeing and boosts your energy levels and immune system, but there is more…


Our Classes

Get fit and join our classes:

Tai Chi


Meet Our Chiropractors

  • Sigrid de Vries

    Sigrid de Vries


    Sigrid came over to the UK from Holland in 1992 to study Chiropractic. Since graduating in 1996, she has worked in Bridgend (Wales), Mansfield and Retford…

  • Karl Stalaker, DC, MChiro, BSc, MSc (MSK Neuroscience)

    Karl Stalaker, DC, MChiro, BSc, MSc (MSK Neuroscience)


    Karl graduated from Macquarie University in Sydney in 2006. During his university years…

Meet Our Acupuncturist

  • Danyal Nazir

    Danyal Nazir


    Clinic acupuncturist Danyal Nazir studied acupuncture for 3 years at the Northern College of Acupuncture in York, graduating in 2014 with a BSc in Acupuncture

Meet Our Beauty Therapists

  • Vicky Tomlinson

    Vicky Tomlinson

        Beauty therapist

    In 2012 I started my training to become a holistic therapist after being inspired by having worked as a chiropractic assistant at the clinic since 2005. The knowledge and understanding I gained from working closely with the chiropractors has been indispensable in my journey to becoming a qualified therapist.

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The core principle of Chiropractic is holistic care. Nerve impulses flow from the brain and down the spinal cord. Pairs of nerve roots branch off from between each pair of spinal segments. These nerves link the brain with every organ, tissue and cell of your body.